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Call for Paper Special Session on “Software Metrics and Measurement: SMM 2009” in conjunction with “The second International Conference on Application of Digital Information and Web Technologies”, ICADIWT 2009 London Metropolitan University, London, UK August 4-6, 2009. http://www.atilim.edu.tr/~smisra/callforpapers.html Software Metrics and Measurement (SMM: 2009) provide a platform to all academician, practitioners, and research scholars, to share their ideas, experience and research in the field of software metrics and measurement. Software metrics are important tools for software engineers to assure software quality because they provide approaches to the quantification of quality aspects of software. We invite research papers devoted for software measurement from all area of software engineering. It includes but not limited to, metrics and measurement techniques for: software requirements, system, and design engineering including architectural design, software modeling, testing, process and product metrics, component based software engineering, software quality, effort and cost estimation, software process improvement, web-application and services, global software development. We also accept the articles for review, experience, and case study in the related area. Authors are invited to submit high-quality research papers that describes original unpublished research and recent developments in the topics related to the session. The authors can not submit their work simultaneously to other conference/workshop or journal. Papers selected after peer review will be included in the conference proceedings and presented orally at the conference. Authors should format the papers according to the IEEE template. Please visit the following link for author’s guidelines. http://www.dirf.org/diwt2009/submission.asp Please submit your paper directly to session chair. The paper should not exceed more than 6 pages in IEEE format. Publication: All contributions will be peer reviewed and will be judged on their quality and relevance. The accepted papers will be published in Conference proceedings of ICADIWT 2009 by IEEE Computer Society Press (final approval pending). One of the author’s of the accepted paper must register to the conference and should present the paper in conference. The extended version of accepted paper will also be invited for the publication in special issue of International Journal of Computer Science and Software technology (IJCSST). Important Dates
Program Committee Chair Dr. Sanjay Misra Program Committee Ibhrahim Akman, Atilim University, Ankara Turkey Conference Assistant: F. Cafer, Atilim University,fcafer@atilim.edu.tr |
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