
Selected Publications

  1. Yao-Liang Chung, Zheng-Lin Wu and Pit Pichappan. Application of Deep Learning and Statistical Methods in Predicting Taiwanese Stock Trends Journal of Computational Methods in Science & Engineering,  Vol. 24, no. 3, pp. 2017-2035,
  2. Yao-Liang Chung, Hung-Yuan Chung, Zheng-Hua Yang and Pit Pichappan. Design and development of an efficient real-time moving object tracking system in a wireless-controlled automated vehicle. Journal of Computational Methods in Science & Engineering,  Vol. 24, no. 3, pp. 1903-1919,
  3. Yao-Liang Chung, Hung-Yuan Chung, Zheng-Hua Yang and Pit Pichappan. Design and development of an efficient real-time moving object tracking system in a wireless-controlled automated vehicle. Journal of Computational Methods in Science & Engineering, Vol. 24 93) July 2024 (In Press)
  4. P Pichappan, M Krishnamurthy, P Vijayakumar. Analysis of ChatGPT as a question-answering system, Journal of Digital Information Management. 21 (2) 2023. p 50-61.
  5. Pit Pichappan, P. Vijayakumar. Towards scalable standards for web content usability. Thirteenth International Conference on Digital Information Management. Berlin. September 24-26, 2018. IEEE
  6. Daisy Jacobs, Pit Pichappan. Towards an integrated model for virtual labs, 18th COLLNET Conference, Macau. December 5-8, 2018.
  7. Sulaiman Al-reayee, Pit Pichappan, Towards scalable standards for web content usability. Innovative Computing Technology. 2018 To appear.
  8. Simon Fong, Raymond Wong,Pit Pichappan. Debunking the designs of contemporary nature-inspired computing algorithms: from moving particles to roaming elephants, Fourth International Conference on Future Generation Communication Technology (FGCT)International Conference on Future Generation Communication Technology. 2015
  9. Yuxin Ma, Pit Pichappan. Applied Mathematics and Algorithms for Cloud Computing and IoT, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, (2014), Article ID 946860
  10. Simon Fong, Jackie Tai, and Pit Pichappan – Trend Recalling Algorithm for Automated Online Trading in Stock Market. Journal of Emerging Technologies in Web Intelligence, Volume 4, Number 3, August 2012 page 240-251
  11. Dais George, Pit Pichappan, Sebastian George. Application of Generalized Confidence Interval in the Study of Web Performance. International Journal of Web Applications Volume 3 Number 3 September 2011. p 138-151.
  12. Pit Pichappan, A Framework of ‘Enabling Security Systems’ for Organizations- International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security Vol. 10, No. 10, pp. 121-127, Oct. 2010
  13. Pit Pichappan, Simon Fong. Using Mobile-Agents For IP Traceback, International Journal of Information Technology and Web Engineering, Vol 4. 2010
  14. Fouzi Harrag, Eyas El-Qawasmeh, Pit Pichappan. Improving arabic text categorization using decision trees, Networked Digital Technologies, 2009. Springer. CCIS
  15. Pit Pichappan. An enhanced security platform architecture for mobile attacks in web environment, International Journal of Web Applications, Vol. 1 March 2009.
  16. Pit Pichappan, Daisy Jacobs. Transaction clustering of web log data files using genetic algorithm, ICDIM IEEE XPlore, 2008
  17. Pit Pichappan. Architectural paradigms for Self-Management process in Autonomic Computing Journal of Digital Information Management, 6 (6) 2008. 198
  18. Eyas El-Qawasmeh Vaclav Snasel Pit Pichappan. Reshaping email relationships, Digital Information Management, 2008. ICDIM 2008. ICDIM. IEEE XPlore
  19. A. Shoniregun · S. Crosier · A. Logvynovskiy · H. Freeman · P. Pichappan. Securing Biometrics Applications. 2008. © 2008 Springer Science+Business Media,
  20. Abdullah Bin Al-Tameem, P. Chittikala, Pit Pichappan. A Study of AJAX Vulnerability in Web 2.0 Applications, Sep 2008. Applications of Digital Information and Web Technologies, 2008. ICADIWT 2008.
  21. Iadh Ounis, Keith van Rijsbergen, Pit Pichappan. Web Information Retrieval. JDIM 5(5): 247-248. 2007
  22. Pit Pichappan, Saleh Al-zharani. Interactive Trust Negotiation-based security of EHR access in health information systems, Journal of Information Assurance and Security, Volume 2, Issue 1, March 2007.
  23. Daisy Jacobs, Pit Pichappan. Research Collaborations and Scientific productivity among the Research Universities in South Africa. Jan 2006,In International Workshop on Webometrics, Informetrics and Scientometrics & Seventh COLLNET Meeting, Nancy (France), May 10 – 12, 200
  24. Daisy Jacobs, Pit Pichappan . A bibliometric study of the publication patterns of scientists in South Africa, 1992-96. Information Research 6(3) 2001.
  25. Pit Pichappan. Sub-field Journals Relationship: A study using the yielding-influence, Science and Science of Science 3(5)1994.p.152-154.
  26. Pit Pichappan, Identification of Mainstream Journals of Science Speciality: A Method Using the Discipline- Contribution Score, Scientometrics 27(2), 1993.p.179-93.
  27. Pit Pichappan Cost Effective Databases for Research, Current Science, 9th May 1998.
  28. Peer reviewing practices of Indian S & T Journals, Current Science, 90(5) 2006. 615
  29. Pit Pichappan, S. Sarasvady. Other Side of the Coin, Scientometrics. 54, 1-2, 2002. p.285-290.
  30. Pit Pichappan, G. Buchandiran. Indian Science and Indian Journals, Current Science, 25 August 2003.
  31. Srinivasan, Vidaylakshmi Raman, N. Meyyappan, Pit Pichappan Assessment of the impact of the Journal Literature Produced by the Indian CSIR Laboratories Using Subfield Corrected Impact, Scientometrics, 44. 1, 1999, p.81-92
  32. Pit Pichappan Levels of Citation Relations Between Papers, Journal of the American Society for Information Science, 47(8)Aug. 1996.p.150-153.
  33. Pit Pichappan A Dual Refinement of Journal Self-citation Measures, Scientometrics. 33(1) 1995. p.13-21.
  34. Pit Pichappan, N.K.Khatri. Iterative approach in finding the “core” of information, Information Services & Use.15 (3) 1995.p.193-198
  35. Pit Pichappan ,Negligence of Phrase Indexing in Search Engines. International Journal of Web Applications, Vol. 1 (1) 2009. P. 47-54.
  36. Pit Pichappan, Daisy Jacobs, S. Sarasvady. What do third world researchers lack? Documenting the peer review- Current Science, 2006