Key Note Speakers
Lake Forest College USA |
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Dr. Joe Hummel is
interested in teaching and research in Data Structures,
Programming Languages, and Object-Oriented design.
The areas of Research include Compilers, and High-Performance
Computer Architectures.
Title: "Software Development in a Manycore World --- Is Anyone Using These Cores?"
Abstract: My laptop has 4 cores. My desktop has 8 cores. And depending on how you count --- CPU + GPU --- these basic machines have over 100 cores. But is today's software actually taking advantage of all this hardware? Not even close. A few special cases aside, most software is not written to take advantage of so many cores. This keynote will discuss the current state of affairs with regards to parallel programming, and present future directions that hope to close the gap between manycore hardware and software.
Affiliations: Dept. of CS, UC-Irvine and Technical Staff, Pluralsight LLC
Bio: Joe is an author, consultant and tenured professor of Computer Science, specializing in parallel programming and high performance computing. He has a PhD in Computer Science from the U. of California, Irvine, specializing in the field optimizing compilers for parallel computing. He is currently a visiting professor at UC-Irvine, and a member of the technical staff at Pluralsight LLC. Joe resides in the Chicago area with his wife, daughter, and sailboat.
Professor and MSE Program Director Department of Computer Science
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Verification of Software Systems using Formalized Methods
Abstract: Software systems are increasingly used in almost every discipline. The demand for automated systems requires that those products function correctly at all times. Safety critical applications such as patient monitoring systems in hospitals and Avionic systems fall in this category. Although software testing can help ensuring the quality of products to some extent, correctness cannot be ensured unless a mathematical verification is performed. This, in turn, requires that software development process must undergo a formal verification before a software system is completed and released for use. This talk focuses on the importance of formalized methods to be applied during software development process, the different methods currently available and some industrial case studies illustrating the benefits of formal methods. The evolution of formal methods over the past two decades and their maturity to apply successfully to practical software development will be briefly described.
Bio: Dr. Kasi Periyasamy graduated with B.Eng (Hons) in Electronics and Communication Engineering from University of Madras, India in 1981, M.Eng from Anna University, India in 1983, M.Comp.Sci in 1987 and Ph.D. in 1991 both from Concordia University, Montreal, Canada. He joined the University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada in 1991 and moved to the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse, USA in 1999 where he is currently a Full professor. He is the Program Director for the Master of Software Engineering program at UW-La Crosse. He taught several courses at the graduate level both at the University of Manitoba and at the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse, including Formal Methods in Software Development, Software Verification and Validation, User Interface Design, and Software Metrics and Software Reuse.
Dr. Periyasamy’s Ph.D. dissertation is on the application of formal methods to robotic applications. Since then, he has published a number of papers on formal methods and software engineering. Notable publications include ‘Behavioral Study of GUI for a CASE tool’ ( this paper won the third prize in ACM International Graduate Student Research Contest), ‘A Verifier for OO designs’ presented at the 23rd Annual NASA Software Engineering conference, and ‘A Method for Structural Compatibility in Software Reuse using Requirements Specification’ published in COMPSAC 1997. Dr. Periyasamy co-authored the book ‘Specification of Software Systems” published by Springer-Verlag first edition in 1998, and the second edition in 2011. In collaboration with Dr. Alagar from Concordia University, Montreal, Dr. Periyasamy developed a real-time extension of the specification language Object-Z; this language was called RTOZ. Several papers were presented on RTOZ including ‘Adding Real-Time Filters to OO Specification of Time Critical Systems’ presented at the Technology of Object-Oriented Languages and Systems (TOOL S 98) conference.
Recently, Dr. Periyasamy has developed a GUI-based editor and type checker for Object-Z. This tool is being used in the graduate course on formal methods at the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse.